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Reindeer - What rules apply?

Guests of the reindeer

Nature is not limitless, but we find ourselves in pastures for many animals and in the workplace of reindeer-herding Sami. The municipality of Arvidsjaur is located in the Forest Sami area which means that Sami run their business here and reindeer graze and live in the area.

Reindeer herding is intimately connected with the Sami culture and has traditions very far back in time. It has evolved over thousands of years from hunting wild reindeer to today's reindeer husbandry. To this day, it is nature that controls the rhythm of reindeer husbandry, as the reindeer graze on natural pastures all year round. Free natural grazing is a prerequisite for an ecologically sustainable reindeer husbandry with long-term healthy animals. The human/reindeer keeper is the one who must take the reindeer and nature into account and not the other way around. The task of the reindeer herder is to be the reindeer's protector and to create good conditions for earning income from their livelihood.

Reindeer farming is sensitive to disturbances both from other land users and predators. In the spring, in May, when the reindeer calves, it is especially important that the reindeer are allowed to be undisturbed. Even during other periods of the year, for example when moving, the reindeer are particularly sensitive to disturbances. They are shy animals that are easily frightened. In a narrow passage, such as over a road, disturbances can cause an entire herd to disperse, leading to extra work for the reindeer herders.

Reindeer knowledge

  • If you have a dog when you're out and about in nature - keep it on a leash!

  • If a dog is found while hunting or harassing reindeer in an area where reindeer herding is permitted, the dog may, if it allows itself to be caught, be killed by the person who owns or cares for the reindeer

  • ​Never walk directly towards grazing reindeer - walk around them or sit down and watch from a distance.

  • If you can look a reindeer in the eyes, you are too close!

  • If you happen to find yourself in the middle of a reindeer herd - stay where you are until they've passed you.

  • If you meet reindeer on the road while driving, drive slowly past them or stop until the reindeer have moved on. Reindeer can easily be spooked and suddenly turn in the opposite direction - so don't think you can quickly drive past a reindeer on the roadway that appears to be standing still or going in the opposite direction at the time.

You can be fined if you intentionally or negligently:

  • scare or otherwise harass reindeer staying in an area where reindeer herding is permitted.

  • unauthorized drive reindeer away from an area where reindeer herding is permitted or prevent reindeer from grazing in such an area.

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